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The Science

Notched Audio

Notched audio is sound where a certain frequency has been removed or “notched out,” typically at the same frequency as your tinnitus tone. You can apply notching to any of the sounds in our library. Notched audio should be customized to your tinnitus. You can use the Match and Test section of the TinnitusPlay app to determine your tinnitus tone. The theory behind notched audio is that it suppresses the activity of the auditory neurons that cause tinnitus (lateral inhibition). Some users find that sustained listening to notched audio reduces tinnitus loudness, even after they stop listening. More studies are needed to determine the long-term effectiveness of this technique for different people.


Neuromodulation consists of a repetition of four tones centered around your tinnitus frequency. This sound stimulation is customized to your tinnitus sound. You can use the Match and Test section of the TinnitusPlay app to determine your tinnitus tone. The theory behind it is that the sequence of sounds disrupts the abnormal synchronous firing of hyperactive neurons that cause tinnitus in the brain. Some users find that sustained listening to neuromodulated sounds reduces tinnitus loudness, even after they stop listening. More studies are needed to determine the long-term effectiveness of this technique for different people.

Amplitude Modulation

Amplitude modulated sounds are sounds that vary in loudness, according to a certain cycle. In the TinnitusPlay app, you can set for yourself the rate at which you want the sounds to cycle. You can apply amplitude modulation to any of the sounds in our library. This sound modulation is customized to your tinnitus sound. You can use the Match and Test module to determine your tinnitus tone. The theory is that amplitude modulated sound may normalize the neural activity in the brain that is commonly associated with tinnitus. Some users find that sustained listening to amplitude modulated sounds reduces tinnitus loudness, even after they stop listening. More studies are needed to determine the long-term effectiveness of this technique for different people.